On this page you can find instructions to view the map viewer of the Draft Official Plan designations. By accessing the site, you will be able to view your property and the proposed updates.
Please note the map displays large amounts of data and loading time may vary depending on network speed. As you zoom into the site more data will appear. Click the buttons below for more information.
To view the second draft of the text click here to return to the main Official Plan project page.
Click the video below to watch a brief walkthrough of how to use the Draft Official Plan Map viewer.
If you need assistance, please contact us: newofficialplan@perthcounty.ca or call 519-271-0531 ext 419
To view a complete list of Frequently Asked Questions about the Official Plan Project, click here.
What does the Draft Official Plan Map Viewer show me? |
The Draft Official Plan Map Viewer is a tool for landowners and residents to view the most recent iteration of the Official Plan maps, referred to as Schedules, and uses the most recent aerial imagery from 2020 to allow property owners to:
While the Map Viewer includes and displays large amounts of data, it is not survey grade and does not constitute a legal survey document. It is important to note that the map viewer is only one support tool that assists the County and land owners in making decisions related to existing and future land use. |
Why is the 2024 proposed Official Plan mapping different than the existing Official Plan mapping? |
The existing 1999 Official Plan mapping was created using mapping created in the mid-1980’s, where as the draft 2024 Official Plan uses aerial imagery from 2020 as a baseline. Not only has the physical landscape in Perth County changed in the last 25 years, but policy standards and mapping technology has also improved to allow for more accuracy and precision within the mapping created for the draft 2024 Official Plan. |
Once I’ve viewed the Draft Official Plan Map Viewer, where can I view the draft Official Plan policy related to my property? |
A pdf version of the revised draft Official Plan is available on the County’s New Official Plan page here. Hard copies of the Official Plan are available at the County of Perth Administrative Offices located at 1 Huron Street, Stratford, ON N5A 5S4. Hard copies are also available at each of the Member Municipalities Administrative Offices below:
What are the next steps in the draft Official Plan project? |
The next steps in the draft Official Plan project include another round of Open Houses in July 2024 to receive a final round of comments from agencies, stakeholders, indigenous groups, staff, council, and members of the public. Following the final round of consultation, staff will work towards creating a final Official Plan document to be brought back before Council, for adoption, in October 2024. In alignment with the requirements under the Planning Act, Section 17(15)(d), a Statutory Public Meeting will be held for the Official Plan at the same meeting that the Official Plan document is brought before Council for adoption. Following County Council adoption, the Official Plan will be provided to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for Minster approval prior to implementation. |
I'm having trouble using the map. Who can I contact for help? |
Please note that the Draft Official Plan Map Viewer displays large amounts of data and loading time may vary depending on network speed. If your map freezes during use, try refreshing the page. If you are having trouble using the map, please reach out to County Planning Staff at newofficialplan@perthcounty.ca or by phone at 519-271-0531 ext. 419 for assistance. Staff can provide you with a map of your property should you continue to have trouble using the map. You are also able to book a one-on-one in-person meeting with Policy Planning Staff at your local municipal office to review your property information. Meetings can be booked between 9 am and 3 pm at your local municipal office on the following dates:
How can I submit a comment about the Draft Official Plan Map Viewer of draft Official Plan policy? |
Comments can be submitted to the County through email at newofficialplan@perthcounty.ca or by phone at 519-271-0531 ext. 419. While comments will be accepted up to the day of adoption of the Official Plan by County Council, it is recommended that comments be provided by August 30, 2024 to provide Staff with adequate timing to incorporate additional comments and feedback into the final Official Plan document. |
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