The Planning Department along with Perth County's local municipalities provide information and advice on planning applications. On this page you can find information on the application process, access to a Planner and items you need in order to complete different types of applications.
To review current planning applications click above to visit our 'News and Public Notices Page' |
If you have a question regarding an application or the application process contact us by clicking above
The Planning Department, in collaboration with the Municipality of North Perth, the Township of Perth East, the Township of Perth South and the Municipality of West Perth, have created a Perth County Development Manual. This manual is a collaborative project that outlines the procedures of processing planning applications.
General Instructions for Applications |
Planning staff are available to answer questions and we encourage applicants to speak with us as they are preparing their application. Some applications require a meeting prior to submission called a pre-consultation (see 'Pre-Consultation' below). The County Planning Department works with each of the local municipalities to provide land use planning services to the public. Depending on the type of development proposed an application may need to be submitted to a local municipal office. The chart below indicates which planning authority can help you with your specific application questions, and to which authority your application will need to be submitted. Authority and Who to Contact for Planning Applications
Pre-Consultation |
A pre-consultation meeting with one of the Planners is necessary before submitting one of the following applications:
The purpose of a pre-consultation meeting is to allow the applicant to have an opportunity to discuss the proposed development with a Planner. Every property is unique and specific requirements for a planning application will be determined and discussed during the pre-consultation process. The applicant will receive a summary of the meeting that includes a list of necessary information to be supplied for a complete application. A pre-consultation can be requested by filling out the form below or by contacting the Planning Department by phone. Please note that in order to request a pre-consultation a written description and a sketch of the subject property must be provided with the request.
Perth County Official Plan Amendment |
An official plan amendment may be required to permit certain developments that deviate from land-use policies outlined within the Perth County Official Plan. County Council will consider site specific applications by property owners or their agents to amend the County Official Plan policies to permit a proposed new development to occur. As required by the Planning Act, a Public Meeting is conducted to consider the application and receive comments from members of the public, agencies and staff. The public meeting is held at the local municipal office. County Council then decides whether or not to approve the proposed amendment at a subsequent meeting. A pre-consultation meeting with the County Planning Department is required to determine the suitability of the request and to review the submission requirements before submitting an application. The application must include the application fee. The Citizens' Guide 2 - Official Plan by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing provides further information on Official Plan Amendments. Application forms and application fees and information on supporting costs can be found here
Consent to Sever |
A consent is the authorized separation of a piece of land into two parcels (also known as land severance). Within the County Official Plan there are policies and requirements for land severances. If the creation of multiple parcels is intended, an application for a plan of subdivision/condominium will normally be required. A pre-consultation meeting with the County Planning Department is required to determine the suitability of the request and to review the submission requirements before submitting an application. The application must include the application fee. The Citizens' Guide - Land Severances by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing provides further information on land severances. Application forms and application fees and information on supporting costs can be found here
Plan of Subdivision/Condominium |
A plan of subdivision/condominium is an application process under the Planning Act to create multiple lots or blocks from an existing property. Once approved, the plan of subdivision or condominium is registered on the title of the property and allows for the new lots or blocks to be individually sold. A pre-consultation meeting with the County Planning Department is required to determine the suitability of the request and to review the submission requirements before submitting an application. The application must include the application fee. The Citizens' Guide - Subdivisions by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing provides further information on subdivisions and condominiums. Application forms and application fees and information on supporting costs can be found here The Land Division Committee Hearing Dates can be found here
Zoning By-law Amendment |
A zoning by-law controls how land can be used within a community. Zoning by-laws are adopted by each local municipality to implement Official Plan policies and specifically address where structures can be placed, what type of structures can be constructed and how the structures are used. Why is a Zoning By-law Needed?
The Citizens' Guide - Zoning By-laws by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing provides more information on zoning by-laws. To learn more about or submit an application for a zoning by-law amendment contact your local municipal planner: |
Minor Variance |
A minor variance is permission to deviate from specific requirements of a zoning by-law. Zoning by-laws are very specific for things such as setbacks, lot area, frontage. The minor variance process allows a property owner the opportunity to seek permission or relief from a specific provision of the Town’s zoning by-law for deviations that they consider to be minor and that don’t change the nature of the property in a significant way. To learn more about or submit an application for a minor variance contact your local municipal planner: |
Site Plan Control |
Developers will provide a plan showing the layout and function of their site to the Municipality and it will be evaluated against a set of criteria and objectives set by the Municipality for important standards and site design. The purpose is to ensure compatibility with neighbouring properties and appropriate interaction with public services like roadways, sidewalks and servicing. To learn more about or submit an application for site plan control contact your local municipal planner: |
Local Official Plan Amendment |
A local Official Plan amendment may be required if a proposed development deviates from the land-use polices put forth by a local Official Plan. To learn more about or submit an application for a local Official Plan amendment contact your local municipal planner: |
Part Lot Control |
Part lot control prevents the transfer of part of a lot in a registered Plan of Subdivision from one owner to another. In other words, you can only transfer whole lots. The Planning Act provides for a Municipality to give an exemption to this rule where it is appropriate to divide a larger block to accommodate different styles of buildings or development. A common example would be to allow each unit of a semi-detached house to be on separate properties and sold separately. To learn more about or submit an application for part lot control contact your local municipal planner: |
Building Permit |
Contact your local municipality for more information on building permits: |
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