The following documents are important reference guides and resources regarding land use planning and long range policy in Ontario. These resources are helpful in understanding development application processes and land use planning policy.
A Citizens Guide to Land Use Planning |
The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing provides an overview of land use planning and the land use planning process in Ontario in the following pages: |
The Planning Act |
The Planning Act establishes the rules for land use planning within the Province of Ontario and describes how land may be controlled. This Act was passed to:
A more comprehensive overview of the Planning Act can be found in A Citizen's Guide to the Planning Act |
Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) 2020 |
The Provincial Policy Statement is a guidance document put forth by the Provincial Government outlining policies for land use planning in Ontario. Municipalities then implement these policies through Official Plans local zoning by-laws. |
Natural Heritage Reference Manual |
This reference manual corresponds with the Provincial Policy Statement's policies on Natural Heritage conservation providing guidance on the implementation of these policies. This document gives an overview of Natural Heritage features and systems and their provincial importance. This Manual further guides municipal Natural Heritage protocols and development policies within or adjacent to Natural Heritage features and systems. |
The Minimum Distance Separation (MDS) Document |
This document by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs provides the formulae and guidelines for livestock facility and anaerobic digester odour setbacks. This document is an important reference guide that indicates the compatibility of existing uses with new or expanding land uses in prime agricultural and rural lands. |
Guidelines on Permitted Uses in Ontario's Prime Agricultural Areas |
This document provides Provincial direction on what type of uses are allowed in Prime Agricultural Areas. These uses include agricultural uses, agricultural-related uses and on-farm diversified uses. These guidelines are then used to direct municipal policies in Official Plans. In Perth County Prime Agricultural Areas are reflected in the 'Agriculture' designation in the Official Plan. |
Archaeological Assessments |
An archaeological assessment may be required when new development is proposed. The Ontario Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries provides information on archaeological assessments. Information included pertains to what they are, when they are required and how they are carried out: |
Environmental Noise Guideline - Stationary and Transportation Sources- Approval and Planning (NPC-300) |
These guidelines outline regulations regarding sources of noise pollution to ensure compatibility between different types of development. The guidelines set forth by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment can be found below. |
Environmental Land-Use Planning Guides |
These guides outline requirements and provide provincial guidance on the compatibility of different land uses such as industrial land use, sensitive land use, sewage and water services and private wells. Environmental Land-Use Planning Guides
Conservation Authorities |
Conservation Authorities (CA's) play an important role in planning. The function of Conservation Authorities are to:
Regulations can take the form of development set back requirements from natural heritage features and hazardous lands to land use regulations that protect our water sources from environmental contaminants. Visit the links below to find out more about the Conservation Authorities in Perth County. |
Additional Residential Units (ARUs) |
Additional Residential Units (ARUs) are self-contained units with a private kitchen, bathroom facilities and sleeping areas. ARUs are different from other residential uses because they are clearly accessory to the primary dwelling on the property in both use and appearance. Visit the link below to learn more about ARUs.
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