Perth County offers a variety of resources to support new and existing businesses. These resources include free training opportunities, access to provincial and federal funding programs, economic data, marketing and promotion partnerships and more.
Our Business Directory is a great place to find information about the products and services offered by Perth County businesses. Find what you are looking for right here in Perth County with our searchable database by location or industry.
Visit the Planning and Development homepage for information on the Official Plan & Maps, Contact information for Planning Staff, Scheduling a Pre-Consultation meeting and more.
If you are looking for vacant land or an existing building to move, expand or start your business on, MLS provides the most up to date and accurate listings on what is available in Perth County. If you don't find what you are looking for, reach out to our team so that we can help in your search!
Our Community Profiles provides you with information on business costs, labour force, demographic information and more that may assist you in your business planning at a County and Lower-Tier level.
Discover our Prosper in Perth series of youth who have found their careers and calling right here in Perth County. Read their stories and find out about career opportunities in a variety of exciting sectors!
The Workforce Attraction and Retention Employer Toolkit (WARET) toolkit brings together practices for recruiting and retaining workers from across the country and provides easily accessible and implementable tools, templates, instructional guides and more to help employers choose the solution that works for them and their business.
If you are looking for vacant land or an existing building to move, expand or start your business on, MLS provides the most up to date and accurate listings on what is available in Perth County. If you don't find what you are looking for, reach out to our team so that we can help in your search!
Our Community Profiles provides you with information on business costs, labour force, demographic information and more that may assist you in your business planning at a County and Lower-Tier level.
Discover our Prosper in Perth series of youth who have found their careers and calling right here in Perth County. Read their stories and find out about career opportunities in a variety of exciting sectors!
Economic Development and Tourism Strategy